Wednesday, 26 March 2008

In reference to the previous post...

I just realized that I subscribe to 23 users on youtube, which is far more than the number of tv shows I watch on any regular basis. I actually only really follow 1 or 2 shows consistently...hmmm

If the internet were deleted tomorrow...

wow, first post in a month. I have a cool topic though I think, hoping for some responses.

If the internet were deleted/banned/etc tomorrow, what website would you miss the most? Would it be google? wikipedia? facebook? myspace? maybe something less popular?

There as certain sites that I would certainly miss in the short term (as I did when I deleted Facebook a while back), but many of these sites really don't serve any real purpose to my life. Google would be missed dearly, but in actuality, the site that I would be most upset to lose would be YouTube. Surprised? Admittedly, I use Youtube as much for pure entertainment as the next person, but the infinite video library isn't what I would miss most. What I would miss most about Youtube (and the internet) is what the site means for everyday people communicating with each other. There is a convincing presence on Youtube of returning media to the everyday Joe/Jane, one that I find absolutely irresistible. Not only does it provide channels for anything from how to build a house to the benefits of a raw food diet, but it opens up the discourse of our society up to the public, and exposes this discourse to a network that previously was limited to our own circle of acquaintances. Wow. That was a long sentence. Anyways, the long and short of it is that Youtube and similar sites are a powerful, largely uncensored voice of public opinion that would be sorely missed by myself and many others if they ceased to exist. So, there you have it. Feel free to comment and let me know what you would miss most if the internet was shut down.

I forgot to mention that Youtube allows the creation of amateur comedies/dramas/etc, which are of as much value in terms of returning the media to the people as video commentaries on our socio political environment.
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