so I know among the very, very, few of you that actually make a point of reading my rants, there are a few that do care at least moderately about greening their lifestyle. One of the coolest things you can do, as well as the most challenging is to repurpose otherwise wasted items. It is truly remarkable what can be reused and altered to give new purpose. I have seen several examples of people making messanger bags from old clothes, or even plastic banners (see pic). This seems pretty complicated for me, but if you are crafty maybe you can pull something like this off. I am hoping at best to recycle a pair of old pants into some new slippers and a few other things, maybe a wallet? The point is to use your imagination, and reduce your waste! often you can find any materials you need on freecycle (see previous post) or even spruce up a find at value village. I would be very, very interested to hear about any repurposing that any of you have done because it could very well be a new idea I can try (and likely fail). Anywho, that's all for now. Ciao
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