As many of you probably know by know, compact flourescent lightblulbs are far more energy efficient and long-lasting than traditional incandescent lighting. However, there are two points of caution to be taken into account if you are thinking of switching (or have switched)
1. The bulbs contain small amounts of mercury. IN fact, the mercury is part of how the bulbs work, so its necessary. However, mercury is highly toxic, so the bulbs must be disposed of safely and properly.
2. Apparently there have been reports that if the bulbs are left on after they have died (which takes a long, long time) the continuing current can actually cause them to catch fire. The only way to prevent this is to remove them as soon as they burn out so they aren't left absorbing electricity.
Of course, there are also LED bulbs that are even more efficient than the compact flourescents, and they don't have these issues, at least as far as I am aware. They are more expensive, so you really have to decide if the cost is worth it to you.
My whole apartment is filled with compact flourescent lights, I actually prefer it too! I'll make sure to be careful about disposal, thanks Rob!
I just bought a whole solar lighting system for our school in Honduras. $2000 but it is remarkable and will fill two rooms easily. The lights are LED I think. It takes 3 panels to light the 2 rooms. Imagine what more would do. They guy we developed them with is from Nanticoke. Interesting guy. He said that the way he built his house means that his hydro bill is something like $20 a month. Cool eh!!!
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